Adolescents are like fish out of water: they’re trying to find their way,
they're looking for their own identity, they’re looking for their own place.
now imagine An Adolescent with cancer.
Feeling out of place...
Imagine you're a 19-year-old cancer patient. You've been in and out of treatment since the age of 5, and because you were diagnosed with a pediatric cancer, you continue to be treated as a pediatric patient. The supports for young children were just what you needed as a child, but now, as an adolescent, you have different needs: peace and quiet, a study room, a place to connect to Wifi and Facetime your friends. But often those services do not exist. You feel out of place.

Feeling alone...
You also have emotional needs that are different than a child's. You're growing more independent from your parents, you may be in college or living on your own, you may even be married. No one quite understands what you're going through. You feel alone.
I'm Not Done Yet helps adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients and survivors live their lives the way they deserve to.
Filling the void ...
Bobby recognized these voids as he battled cancer for his third - and final - time. Bobby was not only a patient; he was a son, a brother, a college student, a friend. He was a boyfriend, he was a musician, he was an activist. He needed the hospital to not only treat his disease, but to help meet the needs his lifestyle dictated.