Mrs. Fleming's
Retirement Tribute
After 24 years teaching English at Garden City High School, including 22 years as the extremely popular Miracle Club advisor, the beloved Mrs. Fleming is retiring!
Make a
Tribute Gift

Measuring Mrs.
Fleming's impact:
Number of students taught:
Over 3,200
Number of years as Miracle Club Advisor:
College recommendations
per year: 25-40
Annual scholarship letters, camp counselor and summer employment recommendations, edited college essays: Countless
Fundraising events:
Ran the walkathons, Bad Bingo event, dodgeball tournaments, Lunar New Year festival, Battle of the Classes, Holiday Boutique sales, Color Run, Pedal for Pediatric Cancer events, CCFK Lollipop Drives, Game Day & BBQ, Noodles for Neuroblastoma dinners, 3-on-3 HoopsTournament, Teen Project-Holiday Gift Cards, LLS Pennies for Patients, Stockings for Soldiers, etc.
Total fundraising dollars:
Over $500,000
benefitting the Miracle Foundation, Charlie’s Champions, Mollie’s Fund, Jamie & Paige Malone Foundation, Foster Foundation and I'm Not Done Yet 😀